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Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey, by Ambrosia Hawthorn

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SKU: IWF12954378 Category:

Rooted in nature, spiritualism, and a reverence for the divine, Wicca is a religious practice focused on the balance and harmony between life and nature.Seasons of Wiccaoffers practical guidance and empowering rites and rituals that will bring the magic of Wicca into your daily life.

Discover the origins of Wicca with an overview covering the importance of working with nature and the deities. Explore in-depth primers on the Wheel of the Year and the crucial purposes of the elements, and embark on your own spiritual path with step-by-steps for Sun Celebrations, Moon Celebrations, and Wiccan Rites.

Seasons of Wiccaincludes:

  • Start of the seasonBegin your practice with practical advice on setting up an altar and casting a circle, as well as the tools for magical transformation, like tarot, runes, candles, and crystals.
  • Modern WiccaChoose the Wicca tradition thats best for you with a look at the practices and deities of popular traditions, such as Gardnerian, Celtic, and Solitary Wicca.
  • Seasonal ceremoniesFind easy-to-follow rituals for Wiccan sabbats and full moon esbats, as well as rites for major changes, like handfasting, a Wiccan wedding ceremony, and handparting to mark the end of a relationship.

Celebrate the changing of the seasons, sabbats, and deities with the life-changing rites and rituals inSeasons of Wicca.

A super practical resourcefor anyone looking to learn more about Wicca, this handy book offers a fresh take that will appeal to both new and intermediate practitioners. With plenty ofeasy-to-follow rituals and rites, this is an ideal way for those who are curious about Wicca to begin exploring their own path.Louisa Blackthorn, cofounder of Witch With Me

Ambrosia Hawthorn has createda lovely book filled with useful information and enchanting spells and ritualsto help you celebrate the ever-turning wheel of the year. A must-have for any magickal practitioner.Monica Crosson, author ofWild Magical SoulandThe Magickal Family

Seasons of Wiccais unique; its ideal for the practicing Wiccan as a specific how-to for sabbat- and esbat-based rituals. Its particular focus on esbats and Wiccan rites is refreshing. But its also agreat go-to guide for anyone on a nature-based spiritual pathwho wants to honor the earth and work alongside it. I am truly impressed and inspired by the ease and flow with which Ambrosia teaches the complex history, evolution, and practice of Wicca.Sarah Justice, owner, The Tiny Cauldron

Ambrosia Hawthornis a traveling eclectic Pagan, astrologer, and card slinger with indigenous roots in Yupik shamanism and Puerto Rican folk magic. She is the founder of Wild Goddess Magick, a witchcraft blog, and the editor of Witchology Magazine.

Paperback. May 12, 2020


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